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The Quicks' Swimming 10-Pack

MD-01996A: with June Quick,
Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Pilates Instructor, and Stanford Swimming consultant

In this video, June Quick shares this unique on-land program for swimmers inspired by the program in use by the successful Stanford Women's Swimming team. The goal is to assist a swimmer in establishing posture, line, and balance on land that can be transferred into the pool. Quick's program intertwines Pilates exercises to strengthen the core and shoulder girdle, yoga exercises to increase flexibility and lung capacity, and resisted stretching exercises to accommodate the use of the extremities while maintaining posture, line, and balance of the core. Quick begins this video with a brief anatomy review of the body core and shoulder muscle areas that the program targets: Areas crucial to swimmers in maintaining a proper posture, line, and balance in the water. She continues with the actual program starting with Pilates on the long roll, followed by Resisted Stretching, & finally some Yoga mixed in with Swim-specific Pilates exercises with a focus on upper and lower body core development, core and extremity flexibility, and shoulder girdle strength. The program is sure to teach swimmers how to move from "the inside/out"; all limb movement starts with the core first, a perfect complement to the concepts of posture, line, and balance that is the theme of Championship-Winning Swimming!

35 minutes. 2003.

MD-01996B: with June Quick,
Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Pilates Instructor, & Stanford Swimming Consultant

Statistics show that up to 80% of swimmers will experience shoulder injury/problems (a.k.a. "swimmer's shoulder") at some time in their career. June Quick has worked with swimmers at all levels from age-groupers to Olympic Gold medallists and as a consultant with Stanford swimming for 15 years. Through her experience in the sport and in her profession, June has developed a complete system incorporating strength and flexibility exercises using surgical tubing, body weight, and a rope that work all areas of the shoulder while keeping a "core" connection. The goal is shoulder stabilization that will help a swimmer become/stay injury-free. Quick introduces this topic with a fundamental overview of shoulder anatomy enhanced with basic illustrations. Next, incorporating the use of surgical tubing, Quick explains and teaches five different shoulder strengthening exercises followed by several variations of Pilates exercises that use body position to strengthen the body core as well as stabilizing the shoulder. The final segment incorporates rope stretches. In all, 10 different active and/or resisted stretches are taught with instruction and demonstration.

35 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017A: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

The Championship Winning Swimming Series with Richard Quick is built upon the principles of Posture, Line and Balance or "Inside/Out" (body core/extremities) philosophies pioneered by one of the world's leading stroke technicians, Bill Boomer. In this swimming DVD, Coach Quick and Milt Nelms present and expand upon the foundations of Posture, Line and Balance that they have successfully implemented at Stanford that apply to all phases of competitive swimming. Nelms starts this information-packed video with a classroom presentation enhanced with remarkable illustrations that clearly lay out the theories that justify teaching, coaching and swimming using the PL& B concepts. Next, Quick takes you on-deck where he explains concepts and demonstrates techniques for achieving proper body positions that can be transferred into the pool. Quick follows with a pool session of drill progressions divided between long and short axis swimming concepts. He begins with the basics of teaching a swimmer to achieve and feel what nis/her own balance point is in the water and progresses to attaining posture, line and balance in proper swimming positions. This video provides the essential information that is the core of the entire Championship Winning Swimming Series.

50 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017B: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

In Championship Winning Freestyle, Richard Quick sets the foundation for his Posture, Line and Balance theme with an on deck discussion/demonstration of the freestyle followed by a full stroke overview in the pool. Quick calls on Coach Nelms to validate the Posture, Line and Balance concepts incorporating Bill Boomer's "inside out" philosophies in an easy-to-understand presentation enhanced by masterful illustrations. With the concept of Posture, Line and Balance clearly defined, explained and illustrated on-deck and in the classroom, Quick returns to the pool where he shares the drill progressions that build the stroke from the core to a full rhythmical stroke. Quick is one of the finest motivators in the world and as the drills are demonstrated, he adds tremendously valuable coaching concepts. The demonstrations are extremely insightful with the inclusion of excellent above and underwater footage. Championship Winning Freestyle is the most comprehensive freestyle instruction ever available anywhere.

54 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017C: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

Beginning with a thorough on-deck discussion of the Posture, Line and Balance concepts as they apply to the backstroke with Coach Richard Quick. Coach Milt Nelms then validates Posture, Line and Balance concepts in the classroom through explanations and exquisite drawings that are sure to enhance your understanding of the concepts. Back in the pool, Quick builds the backstroke in a drill-by-drill progression with demonstrations enhanced with footage shot above and underwater. Quick is not only an expert stroke technician, but also exhibits an amazing degree of energy, motivation and excitement that enhances the learning in this video! Staying true to his "inside/out" philosophy of stroke development, Quick sequences through balance drills related to core body position for the backstroke. Next, building upon the core balance drills, Quick begins to incorporate the extremities as balance tools that reinforce "front quadrant swimming" for the stroke. Quick then shares progression drills that uniquely and sequentially combine the drills into a balanced and rhythmical full stroke within a 25. The drill sequences culminate with a complete look at the full stroke from both a side and head-on.

48 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017D: with Richard Quick,
Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

Championship Winning Breaststroke opens with a thorough on deck demonstration of the basics of the stroke specifically showing how Posture, Line and Balance concepts align with the nuances of the breaststroke. In the classroom, Coach Nelm's illustrations of Bill Boomer's "inside/out" theories (core first, extremities last) paint a vivid conceptual picture of the Posture, Line and Balance concepts. In the pool, Quick teaches and coaches drill progressions that will enable a balanced rhythmical breaststroke. The drills/progressions are categorized as: Balance/Undulation Drills - learning/feeling balance above & below the line; Cobra Drills - proper hip movement necessary; Kick Drills - proper kicking technique, stroke timing and conditioning; Wall Drills - incorporate Posture, Line and Balance concepts into the long pull or pullout. All demonstrations are greatly enhanced with the inclusion of both above-water and underwater footage. Championship Winning Breaststroke is the most comprehensive breaststroke instruction available anywhere.

75 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017E: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

Coach Richard Quick begins with an on deck overview of the entire stroke and how the concepts of Posture, Line and Balance are applied to the technique of the stroke. Coach Nelms discusses and illustrates Posture, Line and Balance in the butterfly with a classroom overview of the stroke. Back in the pool, Quick's positive and enthusiastic coaching techniques are evident as he coaches demonstrators the drill progressions that he uses with his team to build the butterfly stroke. Demonstrations are enhanced with footage shot both above and underwater. Drill progressions include: Undulation Drills - to teach balance/proper undulation; Recovery Drills - on-deck drills to enhance a correct recovery; Unnecessary Vertical Movement Drills-designed to keep a swimmer "on the line," and eliminate unnecessary vertical movement; Vertical Drills - kicking and stroke timing. The drill work culminates with full stroke demonstrations with side views and head-on views of a balanced and efficient butterfly. Championship Winning Butterfly is the most comprehensive butterfly instruction ever available anywhere.

54 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017F: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

In Turns for all Strokes, Coach Richard Quick, continuing the Posture, Line and Balance theme, takes you through learning/drill progressions for all competitive swimming turns. Coach Nelms follows with a classroom session where he explains and illustrates just how posture, line and balance are a factor in turns and wall push-offs by explaining and illustrating what he calls the "Power Triangle." Quick begins with a series of drill progressions methodically building long axis turns beginning with freestyle followed by backstroke. Prior to his progression drills to build a long axis turn, Quick first teaches how to spin a fast summersault. He then incorporates the components of the long axis turn with a progression of: Approach, submerging, the summersault, wall set-up, push-off utilizing the power triangle, balance-up and the breakout. For the short axis turns, Quick begins with teaching a backward spin/summersault, the basis of the short axis turn and follows with a progression of: Approach, backward spin/summersault, wall set-up, push-off utilizing the power triangle, balance-up and the breakout. Quick then teaches all of the Individual Medley turns, dividing them by long axis and short axis approach turns. Turns for all Strokes is enhanced with the combination of above-water and underwater footage and is a must for any coach and/or swimmer looking to dominate the walls.

72 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017G: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

In Championship Winning Starts, Coach Richard Quick emphasizes how the Posture, Line and Balance focus can be effectively used when coaching/teaching all aspects of swimming, including starts. Coach Nelm's classroom session lays out how Posture, Line and Balance factor in the forward and back starts with explanation and illustrations that validate the movement sequences necessary for a successful start. In the pool, Quick takes you through sequential lead-up drill progressions to a complete competitive start with breakout. Part 1, The Forward Start, begins with deck-level drills that emphasize entering the water through the "hole" and then progresses to drills on the starting block before finishing with a complete forward start with breakout. Part 2, The Backstroke Start, follows a similar format beginning at the wall with drills from the gutter before progressing to a complete back start with breakout from the block. In both starts, Quick also offers tips on maximizing the speed generated from the dive into the breakout and stroke. Demonstrations are enhanced with slow motion, above-water, and underwater footage.

33 minutes. 2003.

MD-02017H: with Richard Quick,
former Auburn University Head Men's and Women's Swim Coach;
former Stanford University Head Women's Swimming Coach, 3X Olympic Coach, 12 NCAA Team Championships, 5X NCAA Coach of the Year
and Milt Nelms,
World-renowned coach, clinician, and artist/illustrator.

In Underwater Swimming - The Fifth Competitive Stroke, Richard Quick discusses the fact that in many competitive races today, up to 60% of the race can be done underwater! Quick presents drills and skills that will equip you to take your swimmers' underwater capabilities to a new level. This video begins with Coach Nelms in the classroom, explaining with fantastic illustrations just how Posture, Line and Balance are factors in wall push-off set-ups for successful underwater swimming by learning to utilize what he calls the "Power Triangle." In the pool, Quick shares Posture, Line and Balance skill development of body undulation on the front, side, and back positions. He continues with incorporating these skills into drills that are designed to teach swimmers how to successfully use body undulation in their push-offs through full stroke breakouts for fly, back and free. Quick also shares the nuances of "fish swimming," and how to apply it to fly, back and free and then demonstrates the use of several pieces of training apparatus including: Front snorkel, monofin, short fins. Excellent instruction!

41 minutes. 2003.

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